    Tricentis虛擬峰會:在Devops Speed下提供軟件創新

    學習最新的頂級思想家在敏捷,DevOps, and more. Sessions are now available on demand.



    Tricentis虛擬峰會:在Devops Speed下提供軟件創新

    學習最新的頂級思想家在敏捷,DevOps, and more. Sessions are now available on demand.





    The implications of using legacy testing tools

    QA團隊可以確保一係列的IT預算,這可能是艱難的,其中經常通過平坦或縮小資金來檢查迅速增加的預期。但是對軟件開發實踐,用戶需求和失敗風險的重大變化需要更新的QA方法。現在,幾乎每個公司都在客戶麵向客戶的軟件業務中 - 提供質量對商業成功至關重要。

    中斷正在推動新的測試要求,但團隊無法持續改進結果,速度和規模,而無需對測試基礎架構的相應變化。人,過程或技術 - 有些東西必須給予。在緊張的勞動力市場中,招聘,培訓和保留一個擴大的人團隊可能是艱難的。優化testing tools和過程提供了競爭優勢和結果的替代路徑。


    The cost of high-performance quality assurance may also be underestimated. QA may be seen as secondary to development efforts. It may be expected to conjure better, faster and cheaper results, with either existing legacy tools that don’t align to development methods, or with free add-ons that lack scalability and enterprise-grade features.

    QA upgrades may feel less urgent than flashy new releases and fast response patches. Despite radical changes to development environments and customer expectations,obsolete testing tools可能會感到“足夠好”。

    The false “savings” of delaying technology upgrades make it tempting to postpone QA system investments. This is why legacy systems often overstay their welcome. Nobody argues that a free add-on or a 10-year-old test management tool will be faster or more effective than a modern, well-integrated system. There’s an imagined savings — perhaps purchase cost, training, or implementation. And when opportunity costs and the fear of mistakes are high, doing nothing may feel safer or easier than upending current processes to move to a new system. Unfortunately, saddling testers with obsolete and inefficient QA tools yields testing that is not effective, fast or efficient. Test management tools on life-support don’t scale, and they can waste time that would be better spent on actual quality testing and delivery.

    There are no savings in keeping a waterfall-centric system that is not aligned with agile test cadences, requirements and planning tools. Nor are there savings with an all-of-the-above approach that tries to outrun obsolescence with a patchwork of single-purpose, single-platform test apps. These one-trick ponies may look lean and nimble, but without a way to keep track of them all, they can quickly become an unruly and unmanageable herd.

    Short-term cost avoidance leads to a painful, persistent hangover for quality processes and deliverables. Postponing essential, inevitable investment needs just hobbles development — and by extension, the entire business — with excess delay, work and cost.


    But there’s a problem with that logic: The longer they wait, the more obsolete their current toolset becomes, and the further removed QA becomes from the rest of the software development lifecycle — which often means that testing continues to lag behind. And just because a test management tool came with the bundle doesn’t mean it’s the best solution; just because you already own something doesn’t mean it’s free. To strike the right balance, it’s important to recognize where QA delivers value, where it breaks down, and what it needs to succeed.



    Integrated testing might mean the difference between a successful, on-time launch – or a catch-up release that’s days or even months late. Modern test management tools that integrate with agile planning, test automation and DevOps pipeline tools streamline workflows and simplify collaboration to help teams get better results, faster.

    Quality assurance investments enable teams to test smarter, more seamlessly and at scale. These improvements also position testing to be a key enabler of business success, by facilitating critical outcomes such as faster time-to-market, better customer experience and reduced risk.

    While there’s a cost for making an investment in testing, the cost of not making one is arguably greater. Deferring the transition to modern tools may offer a quick fix for this year’s budget, but these decisions are not made in a vacuum. How are competitors responding to their testing challenges? Are they making investments across the software delivery pipeline that might put you at a real disadvantage? Are testers prepared to evolve alongside accelerated development methodologies? Over the next 12 to 24 months, will the breadth, complexity or tempo of your development processes increase, decrease or stay the same? Is your current testing infrastructure strong enough to rely on, or might it fail you at a critical moment?

    Once you’ve answered these critical questions, it will be easier to assess where your gaps and opportunities lie, and whether you’d be better off transitioning testing to agile processes and tools now, so they’re better prepared to meet future development and business requirements. The right solution exhibits four characteristics: it’s versatile, distributed, scalable and offers organization-wide visibility.




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